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My Master’s Graduate’s collection of the Cambridge School of Visual & Performing Arts 2018

I was feeling about to create more serious, thoughtful collection of the coats, which would express the changes that I have “understood about” myself. The interesting thing about this more traditional and formal collection will be bright colours and crazy patterns of the lining, which I paint and create by myself. The idea of reversible garments and mix of classic and crazy colors already old style of my products – because it is my personal belief, that there is always something bright and crazy in every person, and our clothes should reflect it, even if it is not seen at first glance.

This collection of the coats and will be aimed at females from 17 to 55 who have a truly modern lifestyle in the full meaning of this word. These women are in search of the right balance between the inside and the outside, bright and mild.


The Brick Lane Gallery
216 Brick Ln, London E1 6SA,UK

Cambridge, England

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